020 km

    Studio Territorio Ticino

    Un laboratorio dell’Accademia di architettura dell’USI


    Lugano, la sfida di rigenerarsi

    Studio Foce, Lugano

    Laura Bordonzotti Marco Imperadore Franco la Cecla Martino Pedrozzi

    How do we deal with a city’s need for growth amid a land shortage? The urban regeneration concept also responds to this question from a perspective of improving the social context and environmental sustainability. Lugano has an opportunity to forge a new identity via regeneration projects that limit land consumption while embracing a radical shift of paradigm. (From the event’s introductory text). During the second talk in the series Una visione per Lugano. Una città in transizione (A vision for Lugano. A city in transition) organised by i2a as part of the communication programme and public debate on the Master Plan of the City of Lugano, Martino Pedrozzi addressed the topic Casualità e disegno. Edilizia residenziale e spazio pubblico a Lugano (Randomness and design. Housing and public space in Lugano)



    La città che sale: il monte che resiste?

    Rifugio Carlo Porta, Pian dei Resinelli (Lecco)

    Nicola Baserga Stefano Girodo Giacomo Menini Martino Pedrozzi

    The debate on building in the mountains must necessarily intersect with that of the heritage, i.e. it must take a stance and offer keys to interpreting the cultures of living and the pre-existing structures, from individual ones to the entire landscape, seen as an environment transformed by anthropisation. Indeed, the alpine areas are to be considered within the more general and current topic of the revitalisation or even simply subsistence of inland areas and their ecologies. An overview of the state of the art that considers geographical, anthropological, social and economic aspects leads to analysis of worthy examples of local regeneration. (From the event’s introductory text) On the second day of the conference held by the Consulta Regionale Lombarda of the Ordini degli Architetti Pianificatori Paesaggisti e Conservatori centred on strategies to relaunch the upland areas, Martino Pedrozzi presented Scomporre e ricomporre il patrimonio: esperienze tra i pascoli del Canton Ticino. (Dismantling and recomposing the heritage. Working in the meadows of Canton Ticino)



    Architettura, progetto e servizi di prossimità

    Teatro dell’Architettura, Mendrisio

    Silvia Cippelletti Antonio De Rossi Eleonora Gabbarini Cassiano Luminati Mauro Marinelli Francesca Pedrina Martino Pedrozzi Paolo Pileri Armando Ruinelli Mauro Tosco Zeno Zanderigo

    The pandemic crisis prompted a phenomena of people moving from the city to the mountains. Although phases of growth and decline alternated in the past, they did not always coincide with settlement concentration/dispersion trends. How has the ratio between demographic and settlement trends and the provision of infrastructures and services in the mountain regions evolved? How did these services relate to agglomeration economies in the past? Is it possible to identify rural trends within the settlement network that produce regular population distribution? The series of encounters promoted by LabiSAlp analyses, from a historic perspective, the role of local services (formal and non-, that target and are provided on a local scale to respond to “primary” needs and which also impact very positively on the social fabric) as drivers of local models that can reduce the economic and settlement divides. (From the event’s introductory text) On the third study day in the series organised by the Laboratorio di Storia delle Alpi of USI (LabiSAlp) centred on the theme Servizi di prossimità, reti di distribuzione e infrastrutture nelle aree montane. Prospettive storiche, governance territoriale e politiche pubbliche (Local services, distribution networks and infrastructures in the mountain areas. Historical perspectives, local governance and public policy) Martino Pedrozzi presented Ricomposizioni in Val Malvaglia: prossimità e alta quota (Recomposition in Val Malvaglia. Proximity and high altitudes).



    Presentation of the book by Alberto Di Monte “Sentieri migranti. Tracce che calpiede il confine”

    Accademia di architettura, USI, Mendrisio

    Alberto Di Monte Gianni Biondillo Cristina Del Biaggio Martino Pedrozzi

    The topic of frontiers in the global era is extremely relevant today and closely bound to conflicts, the challenges of globalisation and the planetary emergencies on which rests the future of humanity. Boundaries, whether material or cultural, are multiform and dynamic: they channel multiple images and potential keys of interpretation. This may be precisely why the history of frontiers is little known and often becomes prey to identity movements. Boundaries become consolidated as unsurmountable walls and barriers; borders evaporate and melt away into the ether of an interconnected and digital world only to reappear – reinforced – in times of a pandemic and in debates on the control of migratory phenomena. And frontier areas such as the mountains re-emerge from the relative marginalisation to which they were gradually relegated in the last century and acquire a new centrality, becoming places in which to rediscover the local area and sustainable development. This series of encounters and talks (…) offers much food for thought on the complexity of the concepts of boundaries at the point where history, geography and anthropology meet. Special reference is made to the Alps and the mountain areas as too to social and cultural issues of great relevance today. (From the event’s introductory text) The series of encounters and talks entitled Ri-pensare i confini (Rethinking boundaries) was promoted by the Museo Etnografico della Valle di Muggio in collaboration with the Cineclub del Mendrisiotto and the Laboratorio di Storia delle Alpi dell’USI (LabiSAlp).



    Città Ticino. Un omaggio di Franz Oswald

    Teatro dell’Architettura, Mendrisio

    Franz Oswald Riccardo Blumer Sandro Cattacin Martino Pedrozzi

    “The question arises as to whether the idea of city as a mental construct, with reference to the Ticino area, really exists; whether it is only invisible to the eye or whether it is an illusion. The forms of expression visible on the landscape might embody a new city, non-conventional but relevant and in the making, or being, pragmatically and simply a fairly random form of settlement dictated by building programmes and regulations and the interests of landowners and the property market.” (Franz Oswald, 2021). This public encounter was organised in conjunction with the publication of a short essay by Franz Oswald on the topic of the Città Ticino.



    Height difference matters. Climate, energy, architecture along the slopes of Val Malvaglia

    Accademia di architettura, Mendrisio

    Martino Pedrozzi

    This series of talks promotes the notion of “energy landscape” as a conceptual framework to challenge our current understanding of energy as a cheap and abundant source for architecture. It presents concepts and methods for designing the energy landscapes of the future. (From the event’s introductory text) The symposium series entitled The city as energy landscape was organised by the chair of Prof. Sascha Rösler.



    Nex20 Ticino: #LivingTomorrow

    Accademia di architettura, Mendrisio

    Jenni Assi Andrea Bernasconi Rafael Luna Sophie Maffioli Martino Pedrozzi Sylvia Meimaridou Rola Roman Rudel Cristina Zanini Barzaghi

    A virtual conference promoting innovation in Switzerland and Ticino. For its 20th anniversary swissnex, a global Swiss network for education, research and innovation, decided to ask researchers, entrepreneurs and visionary leaders to imagine Switzerland’s role on the global stage over the next 20 years. To do so, it has organised a number of events. The aim is to celebrate the anniversary by reflecting on the future we want to build and present the activities conducted by the swissnex network to investors in Switzerland. (From the event’s introductory text)



    Progettare dopo il Covid: tutto cambia – niente cambia?

    Casa Ceretti, Verbania

    Antonio de Rossi Michael Jakob Sacha Lenzini Antonio Longo Martino Pedrozzi Maria Cristina Petralla

    It is never methodologically easy to read and comment on the present. Given the impact of the pandemic, the current period demands analysis and fast answers from experts and professionals in the design field. It is also important to reiterate that the present situation was, of course, unexpected but not radically new. Illness and infections and their challenging management have been a common thread in human history, without overlooking the fact that the birth of modern societies – and modern urban planning – was directly influenced by the great epidemiological emergencies of the past. So how do you design landscape, territory and architecture in times of social lockdown and distancing? What needs must spaces adapt to and how can they combine the new and the old demands? What policies can be introduced to flank a process when we do not know its cut-off time? The speakers will analyse this topic openly and critically from several angles, touching on some of the key points for reflection. How have the private lives of families and single people changed and how are they still changing; and how do the architectural and landscape projects respond to this change? How are relations with others and with the context we live in evolving? Must work and production be defined on the basis of new standards and new spaces? (From the event’s introductory text) The study day was organised by the Museo del Paesaggio and the Centro Studi del Paesaggio di Verbania.



    Migrare sul posto. Cambiamenti globali e spostamenti locali nell’alto Ticino degli anni ‘50

    Accademia di architettura, Mendrisio

    Martino Pedrozzi

    Lecture by Martino Pedrozzi as part of Prof. Muck Petzet's Sustainable Design LAB course



    Participation with the ‘Recompositions’ project to the RRR (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) website

    Accademia di architettura, Mendrisio

    “This site is based on the website reduce-reuse-recycle.de, created on the occasion of the German contribution to the 13th International Architecture Exhibition, “La Biennale di Venezia”. It has been created to further the aims and the spirit of this exhibition: the application of a new value-based system for dealing with existing architecture - in analogy to waste management. Also, in the responsible handling of existing architecture, avoidance and reuse should be the first priority - and demolition and exploitation should come last. This website documents the results of the exhibition in Venice and subsequent exhibition and research projects, but it is also an open platform for the collection of worldwide best-practice examples, of organizations and events and of texts and opinions on the “right way” to handle our building stock. Please take part in this process and send us suggestions, references to projects or organizations and texts on architecture as a resource” (estratto dal testo introduttivo del sito web RRR). Martino Pedrozzi contributed to the content of the RRR website with his ‘Recompositions’ project.
